About Us
Founded in 1998 as a partner company, Anderil specializes on steel fence posts of various types and standards with a total solution to the steel fence system. Initially, fence posts of American standard, Australia standard and Euro standard; picket steel fence, chain link fence, galvanized steel fence, green coated steel fence, temporary fences and security fences. For a wide range of fencing uses for the airports, railway, playground, construction sites, perimeters, swimming pools and other uses.
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About Us
Founded in 1998 as a partner company, Anderil specializes on steel fence posts of various types and standards with a total solution to the steel fence system. Initially, fence posts of American standard, Australia standard and Euro standard; picket steel fence, chain link fence, galvanized steel fence, green coated steel fence, temporary fences and security fences. For a wide range of fencing uses for the airports, railway, playground, construction sites, perimeters, swimming pools and other uses.
Anderil is now selling fence posts to France, the USA, European countries, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries.
Anderil regards the particularly close co-operation with all partners from steel fence & posts importers and exporters and distributors as one of the most important factors contributing to the positive development of the company. Anderil is thus able to cater for all requirements and always launch new developments successfully. Anderil Steel Fence Posts Co. characterizes itself as "a service provider for steel fencing industry" with total commitment to the customers.
Our main product
Steel Fence posts fence post spikes Australia Type Y-Fence Post USA Type Studded T-PostEuro T-POSTU Fence PostY Fence PostFence Post CapsConcrete fence postssteel fence gatessteel fence panelsgalvanized steel fenceExpressway Steel FencesSteel Fences for RailwaySteel Fences for BridgeGarden Steel FencingOrnamental FenceField FenceResidential Area FenceAirport fencesecurity Steel fence Playground Steel FenceTemporary fence